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Sonoff Bec comanda WIFI B1 E27 RBG

Sonoff Bec comanda WIFI B1 E27 RBG
Sonoff Bec comanda WIFI B1 E27 RBG

Sonoff Bec comanda WIFI B1 E27 RBG

116.81 RON

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Sonoff Bec comanda WIFI B1 E27 RBG

Sonoff B1 este un bec LED cu lumina alba/ colorata, intensitate reglabila, dimensiuni reduse si dulie E27.

Sonoff B1 este controlabil prin aplicatia gratuita eWeLink (disponibila atat pentru Andorid cat si pentru IOS). Din aplicatie puteti: aprinde/ stinge becul si seta culoare si intesitatea luminii.

Se conecteaza direct la Wifi, nu necesita hub.

Comenzi vocale schimbare temperatura culoare:

Nota: Aceste comenzi pot fi operate daca becul este in modul white
Alexa, change the {deviceName} to white
Alexa, make the {deviceName} warm white
Alexa, set the {deviceName} to daylight
Alexa, set the {deviceName} cooler
Alexa, make the {deviceName} whiter
Alexa, set the {deviceName} softer
Alexa, make the {deviceName} warmer

Comenzi vocale schimbare culoare:

Nota: Aceste comenzi pot fi operate daca becul este in modul color.

Color words: red, yellow, green, blue, white, black, orange, pink, purple, etc.
Alexa, set the {deviceName} to red
Alexa, change the {deviceName} to the color blue
Alexa, turn the {deviceName} green

Comenzi vocale schimbare intensitate:

Alexa, set {deviceName} to 90 percent
Alexa, increase {deviceName} by 40 percent
Alexa, decrease {deviceName} by 40 percent

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